En mi anterior post decía que ésto iba de semanas.. ahora va de mes en mes xD Por fin he empezado las prácticas trabajando en un hotel y tengo que decir que es genial y ¡me encanta estar allí! Estoy "viviendo" en el hotel y no tengo portátil así que mi ausencia es debido a eso )=
In my previous post I said that I wrote to the couple of weeks .. now I do it once a month xD, I finally started working practices in a hotel and I have to say is great and I love being there! I'm "living" in the hotel and I have no laptop, so my absence is because of that) =
Hoy simplemente mostraré los últimos outfits, fotos de la última salida con Ebichu, Silvia y Carla <3 y las últimas ventas y adquisiciones!
Today I just show you the latest outfits, pictures of the last meet up with Ebichu, Silvia and Carla <3 and the latest sales and acquisitions!
Últimamente andaba muy insegura con el Toys print de ETC, ya había hecho 2 outfits anteriormente y ninguno de ellos me gustó, así que ántes de empezar a venderlo quise intentar otros outfits para estar segura, y para mi gusto creo que fueron bastante bien, definitivamente no pienso venderlo! Al menos no por ahora xD
Recently I was very insecure with ETC Toys Print , I had previously made 2 outfits and none of them I liked, so before I sell the dress I wanted to try other outfits to be sure, and I think the outfits were well enough for my taste, I definitely do not sell it! At least not for now xD
Hacía tiempo que no me hacía este recogido de pelo, y me gusta mucho cómo queda! x3
For some time I did not do this hairstyle, and I really like how it looks! x3
Quedada con motivo de la despedida de Silvia que se va a estudiar a Granadaaa!! Y para este día decidí aprovechar y estrenar boina y zapatitos rojos (por fin!!!) y sumar otro outfit más con el Alice trump, el mítico "rojo x negro" que todavía no había podido hacer!
Meet up because of the farewell of Silvia, who is going to study to Granadaaa!! And to this day, I decided to take advantage and to release the beret, and the red shoes (finally!!!) And add another outfit more with the Alice trump, the mythical "red x black" I have not been able to do!
Y Ebichu aprovechó para estrenar su recién llegado Milky Berry!! Felicidades otra vez amor!! (^ o^)/
And Ebichu took to release his newcomer Milky Berry! Congratulations again love!! (^ o^)/
Ebichu como regalo nos hizo unos cupcakes deliciosos! Que pudimos comer acompañado de té y de un rato de juego al trivial excepcional xDD
Ebichu as a gift made some delicious cupcakes! We could eat along with tea and a moment of exceptional trivial game xDD
Y por último, ventas y adquisiciones! Según el Clanbert OP de IW llegó a mi casa mi madre opinó que era muy "negro" y oscuro para mí... mala señal... que mi madre me diga que un vestido Lolita es muy oscuro.. es que la cosa es seria xD
Finally, sales and acquisitions! According came to my house the IW Clanbert OP, my mother felt it was very "black" and dark for me ... bad sign ... my mother tell me that a Lolita dress is very dark .. is that the thing is serious xD
Finally, sales and acquisitions! According came to my house the IW Clanbert OP, my mother felt it was very "black" and dark for me ... bad sign ... my mother tell me that a Lolita dress is very dark .. is that the thing is serious xD
So, what about that? Imagináoslo, lo estoy vendiendo! al igual que el ETC Present Box Jsk!!( http://lolita-indies.livejournal.com/47054.html ) Y es que he decidido y comprobado definitivamente que prefiero ETC para otro tipo de estilo que no sea con tantos colores pasteles, y a cambio de eso..
So, what about that? Imagine, I'm selling! like the ETC jsk Present Box!!( http://lolita-indies.livejournal.com/47054.html ) And I've decided and found that I definitely prefer ETC for other style than so many pastel colors, and instead of that ..
Me he hecho con 2 vestidos de mi wishlist!
I've got 2 dresses from my wishlist!
El primero es el Jsk de Pippi de Emily Temple Cute, amor infinito! Vino con 3 manchas que no he conseguido quitar, así que lo llevaré a la tintorería rezando por que ellos puedan eliminarlas!
The first is Emily Temple Cute Pippi JSK, infinite love! It came with 3 spots I have not gotten away, so I take the dress to the cleaners, I will pray that they can eliminate them!
Y el segundo es el OP de Canned Fruits de Emily Temple Cute, que aún está en trámite xD Espero poder darle mucho uso y que se me ocurran mil formas de combinarlo!
And the second is the Canned Fruits OP from Emily Temple Cute, which is still pending xD I look forward to much use, and I can think of a thousand ways to combine!
Y hasta aquí las novedades! Espero veros en la Japan Weekend!!! =O Muchos besos preciosas!! (^ ^)
And that's the news! Hope to see you in Japan Weekend! =O Many kisses pretties!! (^ ^)
And that's the news! Hope to see you in Japan Weekend! =O Many kisses pretties!! (^ ^)