About Me

Mi foto
I am a spanish girl who loves Lolita Fashion and natural, cute and soft styles! I am 22 years old. Diplomaed in Tourism.

sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

Official Tea Party in Tenerife

Como ya sabéis, el 10 de Abril se celebró la 1ª Tea Party Oficial en Tenerife! Y tengo el placer de decir que, a pesar de que un par de personas no pudieron acudir por problemas de última hora y la falta de Ariadna =( , la Tea Party fue todo un éxito!
As you know, on April 10, was held the 1st Official Tea Party in Tenerife! And I have the pleasure of saying that despite a couple of people could not go for last-minute problems and lack of Ariadna = (, the Tea Party was a success!

La mesa era una preciosidad! Cuando vi tanta cantidad de golos casi lloro de felicidad xD Siempre he imaginado una fiesta de cumpleaños lolita con una mesa así! hihi!
The table was so sweet! When I saw so much candy, I almost cried because of happiness xD I've always imagined a lolita birthday party with a table like this! hihi!

Llegamos antes de la apertura para terminar de colocar los decorados, y más tarde disfrutar de los ricos alimentos que nos fueron servidos y de conversaciones ricas culturalmente a la par que divertidas.. vamos un cachondeo que eso no era normal xD
We arrived before the opening to finish placing the sets, and later enjoy the rich food we were served and culturally rich conversations at the same time fun .. we are a joke that was not normal xD 

(dancing yaranaika xD)
Lolita Collision!
I love that face!! xD

Inesperadamente se nos unió una Biocyber! No podía irme de allí sin tener un par de fotos con ella!
Suddenly we were joined by a Biocyber! I could not leave there without having a couple of pictures with her! 

Más tarde comenzó el taller de broches, hicimos broches con forma de polo! Me salió un churro tremendo porque soy nula cosiendo ^^'  aún así no pude evitar transformar el polo amorfo en un "yaranaika?"
Later brooches workshop began, we did pole-shaped brooches! I got bad because I'm very bad sewing ^ ^'  yet I could not help transform the amorphous pole in a "yaranaika?"


Mientras tanto, tuvimos la suerte de que el ya conocido fotógrafo Alby Martín viniera a Tenerife exclusivamente para realizar una sesión de fotos para cada una de nosotras!
Meanwhile, we were lucky that the photographer known as Alby Martin only came to Tenerife for to do a photo shoot for each of us!


Al mediodía fuimos a comer a una pizzería (asdfasdfadf!!)
At noon, we went to eat at a pizza shop (asdfasdfadf!!)

Y de regreso comenzamos el juego del Bingo, en el cuál tuve la gran suerte de ser la ganadora, huhu! El premio fue una cajita de 6 macarons diferentes que finalmente repartí entre los ganadores que surgieron después de mí ^^
And back we started the game of Bingo, in which I had the great fortune to be the winner, huhu! The prizewas a box of 6 different macarons finally distributed among the winners who came after me ^ ^

Terminado el Bingo, recibimos la calurosa e increíble visita de Víctor Conde (escritor de la novela "Los heraldos de la luz") acompañado de su mujer y su hija (una monada!). Debatimos temas relacionados con el lolita, hablamos sobre el personaje de su novela y sobre nuestras experiencias en la vida como lolitas.
Bingo ended, we received a warm and amazing visit Victor Conde (writer of the novel "The heralds of light") with his wife and daughter (so cute!). We discussed issues related to Lolita, we talked about the character of his novel about our life experiences like lolitas.

Fue un rato muy agradable en el que compartimos muchas ideas e impresiones ^ ^
It was a great time where we share many ideas and impressions ^ ^

Debido a que a la hija de Víctor Conde le gusta el Para-para, decidimos hacer un par de bailes de Hinoi-team (los cuales salieron fatal porque no nos acordábamos xD)
Because the Victor Conde's daughter likes Para-para, we decided to do a couple of dances from "Hinoi-Team" (which went bad because we remembered not xD)

Después de despedir a Víctor Conde y a su familia, el día llegaba a su fin, así que hicimos un último concurso de outfits. La cosa estaba muy reñida, todas estaban guapísimas y sus conjuntos eran estupendos!
After saying goodbye to Victor Conde and his family, the day drew to a close, so we made finally a outfits competition. The thing was very close, they were all gorgeous and sets were great!

Silvia fue la organizadora del concurso, así que no pudo participar (´A`) Habría ganado el concurso sin duda! Con ese precioso conjunto inspirado en Dorothy!
Silvia was the organizer of the contest, so she could not participate ('A') she would certainly win the contest! With this beautiful set inspired in Dorothy!

Al final terminé siendo la escogida (no descartéis la compra de votos xD). El premio era una Little Pullip que aún está volando hacia aquí y que espero tener muy pronto! <3
I ended up being the chosen (not cast aside the vote buying xD). The prize was a Little Pullip is still flying over here and I hope to have soon! <3

Terminamos la Tea Party echándoles un vistazo a algunas fotos que Alby hizo durante su estancia con nosotros!
We ended the Tea Party Looking at some photos Alby made ​​during your his stay with us!

Agradezco muchísimo la colaboración de Salón Otaku, Alby Martín, Víctor Conde y todos los asistentes a la Tea Party, fue un día estupendo y súper divertido! Desgraciadamente no dio tiempo a ver la película "Kamikaze Girl" ni a dar la conferencia lolita, pero se realizarán otro día! Ya no puedo esperar a la próxima Tea Party! Cuantas más lolitas, mejor! (^ o^)/
I appreciate very much the cooperation of Otaku Hall, Alby Martin, Victor Conde, and all those attending the Tea Party was a great day and super fun! Unfortunately there was no time to watch the movie "Kamikaze Girl" or make the lolita conference, but they'll be another day! I can not wait for the next Tea Party! While more lolitas, better! (^ o^)/

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Dresses in Sale!!

  • I accpet paypal (+4% for cc paypal ), you can save it if do payments as a gift ^^
  • I ship from Spain. Shipping is not included and depends on your location, please ask!
  • No holds, no trades
  • Please, ask me any doubt or question that you have.
  • Feedback: http://marieelendir.livejournal.com/1150.html

Black Carousel Jsk from Bodyline SOLD OUT!!

Pink Candy Border Jsk from Bodyline 
Length ~92cm
Bust ~88cm
Waist ~73cm

Only worn a few times.
This beautiful pink Jsk features cute candy around the bottom which glitter in the light. I don't really wear it enough, so I would like for it to go to someone who would love it even more.

The ribbon of the back of the dress has been removed because it was a nuisance when put on a cardigan, and to use it as decoration for the hair or other part of the dress.

Price: 42€ 36€ + 4,40€ (shipping to Spain) or + 12,25€ (Shipping to Europe) or + 20,50 (rest of world)

Pink Wonder Cookie Angelic Pretty replica skirt
Length: ~50cm
Waist: ~58-80cm

Worn once and stored hanging in the wardrobe ever since. I really love it because of his good quality and lovely print! But I don't wear skirts usually, so I would like for it to go to someone who would love it even more.

(without flash)

(with flash)

 Price: 38€  32€  4,40€ (shipping to Spain) or + 12,25€ (Shipping to Europe) or + 20,50 (rest of world)

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Official Tea Party from Tenerife

Este Domingo 10 de Abril se celebra la 1ª Tea Party Oficial en Tenerife con un límite de 20 asistentes, en colaboración con la ya conocida organización "Salón Otaku", "Krypton Comics" y "Lolita Secret Garden"!
This Sunday April 10th is celebrated the 1st Official Tea Party in Tenerife with a limit of 20 participants, in collaboration with the renowned organization "Salón Otaku", "Krypton Comics" and "Lolita Secret Garden"!

Las invitaciones para la Tea Party ya han sido enviadas por e-mail a las primeras 20 personas que hayan enviado su solicitud!
Invitations for Tea Party have been sent by e-mail to the first 20 people who have submitted their application!

Ponte tus mejores galas, lleva tu invitación, y a disfrutar!
Put on your best clothes, take your invitation, and enjoy!

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Finally Ballet!

Si hay algo bello en este mundo, es desde luego la danza clásica, es la más bella manera que tiene el hombre de transmitir belleza y emociones por medio de los movimientos del cuerpo.
If there is something beautiful in this world, is of course the ballet, is the fairest way for the man to convey beauty and emotions through body movements.

El ballet supone una preparación física integral, porque desarrolla todos los músculos, aporta elasticidad, flexibilidad y gran fortaleza física, y a medida que se va progresando, el ballet desarrolla también la mente, porque requiere un control total de cada parte del cuerpo.
The ballet is a comprehensive physical preparation, because it develops all the muscles, provides elasticity, flexibility and physical strength, and as it progresses, the ballet also develops the mind, because it requires a total control of each body part.

Si te quieres convertir en un bailarín de ballet profesional, es indispensable empezar a practicar desde pequeños. Sin embargo es un arte que se puede empezar a practicar a casi cualquier edad.
If you want to become a professional ballet dancer is required to begin practicing since childhood. However, it is an art that can start practicing at almost any age.

Son por estas razones por las que por fin he comenzado las clases de ballet! Siempre he sentido una atracción especial por esta danza, pero ha sido justo ahora cuando me he visto con tiempo libre (una gran desventaja del ballet, tiempo!)
These are the reasons why I finally started ballet classes! I've always felt a special attraction for this dance, but it was just now when I've seen with free time (a major disadvantage of ballet, time!)

Ya he comenzado las clases y siento como si un camión me hubiese atropellado! xD Pero aguantaré! Pues este dolor significa la mejora y el avance del físico!
I have already started classes and I feel like a truck had hit me! xD But I am holding out! Because this pain means the improvement and advancement of physical!

A todas aquellas personas que adoran este arte y aún no han tenido la oportunidad de practicarlo,  
To all those who love this art and have not had the opportunity to practice,