About Me

Mi foto
I am a spanish girl who loves Lolita Fashion and natural, cute and soft styles! I am 22 years old. Diplomaed in Tourism.

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008


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Affiliate serves to further disclose your blog, link your blog bidirectionally with similar. Please, only blogs related to the lolita or Japanese world, thanks (=

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Membership rules:

1) Sube la imagen  a tu propio almacén de blogger (o livejournal, etc), para evitar el 'hot linking'.
1) Upload the image to your own store of blogger (or livejournal, etc) to avoid the 'hot linking'

2) Ponlo en la columna de tu blog (que sea principal) con dirección del blog como hipervínculo.
2) Put it in the column of your blog (which is primary) direction of the blog as a hyperlink.

3) Deja un comentario aquí (en este post) con la dirección de tu blog y el enlace de tu botón (88 x 31)
3) Leave a comment here (in this post) with the address of your blog and link to your button (88 x 31)